Two years ago, Branching Minds introduced the “MTSS Intervention Process Flowchart,” and it quickly became one of our most popular resources. After an overwhelmingly positive response to the chart, and thousands of views, comments, and downloads, we’ve updated the Flowchart and companion guide to serve you even better.

    At Branching Minds, we understand the immense responsibility educators carry in making data-driven decisions that impact students' success. This updated guide covers:


    1. What Is the MTSS Intervention Process Flowchart?

    2. Why Is the MTSS Intervention Process Flowchart Valuable?

    3. Key Terminology for Effective MTSS Implementation

    4. You Asked, We Are Answering! Using the MTSS Intervention Flowchart

        ⭐BONUS: It's Not Just About Core Instruction:

    How to adjust Tier 1 instruction and simultaneously implement Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.

    And of course, we've included the updated MTSS Intervention Process Flowchart to help you streamline your MTSS process. Let's dive in!


    Download the PDF version of the Guide ️

    What is the MTSS Intervention Process Flowchart?

    A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a proactive framework designed to identify students’ academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs and provide timely interventions, adjusting the level and intensity as needed. The flowchart is a visual tool that guides educators through the MTSS workflow.

    The MTSS Process Flowchart reflects the iterative nature of MTSS by helping educators understand when to intervene, monitor, adjust, and intensify supports based on student progress. It simplifies complex decisions and ensures each step is rooted in data, fidelity, and student-centered approaches.


    Why Is the MTSS Intervention Process Flowchart Valuable?

    It Simplifies Decision-Making: With multiple data sources, it can be overwhelming to determine next steps. The flowchart distills this information into a clear visual guide, reminding educators to assess data through various lenses at each tier.

    It Promotes Data-Driven Reflection: Whether addressing Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 needs, the flowchart highlights the importance of reflective practices and continuous evaluation. Educators can evaluate whether core instruction is meeting the needs of the majority of students while identifying those who require targeted or intensive interventions.

    It Provides a Layered Approach to Support: The flowchart emphasizes that MTSS is not a one-size-fits-all model. Interventions are layered, intensifying based on need, while maintaining the integrity of core instruction. The MTSS triangle, represented in the flowchart, reminds educators that Tier 1 differentiated core instruction must remain foundational as additional supports are provided.

    MTSS Cycle
    Macbook_TierMovementReport (2)

    Learn How to Support the Whole Child with Branching Minds

    Branching Minds makes MTSS easy, efficient, and effective by bringing together all of the components of MTSS so teachers can collaboratively problem-solve and support all students’ holistic needs. Our system-level solution helps schools improve students’ outcomes across academics, behavior, and SEL equitably. Click here to learn more.


    MTSS Intervention Process Flowchart: Essential Terminology

    Ensuring your team understands these key terms will ensure consistency and alignment:

    • Universal Screener or Benchmark Assessment: Used to screen all students for strengths and needs at regular intervals throughout the year. This data helps assess whether core instruction is effective and identifies students who need additional support.
    • Tier 1 - Differentiated Core Instruction: Tailoring classroom instruction based on student readiness, strengths, and needs. This is a foundational component of MTSS and ensures equitable access to instruction for all students.
    • Tier 2 - Strategic/Targeted Support: Small-group, evidence-based interventions provided to students who require support with specific skills to meet grade-level expectations.
    • Tier 3 - Intensive Support: Highly individualized interventions for students who have not responded to Tier 2 supports. These interventions involve smaller groupings and more frequent progress monitoring.
    • Progress Monitoring: The process of tracking student growth towards a skill-based goal using a specific assessment tool. These are typically short, skill-based, valid, and reliable assessments. Regular monitoring helps determine whether the intervention is working or needs adjustment.
    • Fidelity: Ensuring that all assessments, interventions, and instructional practices are delivered as intended. This includes consistency in timing, delivery methods, and adherence to research-backed protocols.
    • Data-Based Decision-Making: Using data from various sources (screeners, progress monitoring, historical performance) to make informed instructional decisions.

    You Asked, We Are Answering! Best Practices for Using the MTSS Intervention Flowchart

    ❓Why do we start with Universal/Benchmark Screening?

    Two reasons! First, universal screening helps gauge the overall effectiveness of core instruction. Data-driven core instruction is provided to all students, and when carried out with fidelity and at the appropriate level of rigor, at least 80% of students should be able to reach grade-level expectations without additional help. If more than 20% of students are struggling, it signals a need to adjust Tier 1 instruction. The flowchart acts as a reminder to regularly assess screener data and refine instructional practices based on findings.

    Second, universal screeners and benchmarks provide insight into students’ areas of strength, as well as which students may need additional strategic or intensive support. The flowchart provides a visual reminder or cue to review your screener data for both areas of concern, as indicated by the two-way arrows on the chart.

    Branching Minds helps you quickly and easily analyze screening data with the Cohort Assessment Report. Your MTSS teams can group students with similar needs and create intervention plans directly from this report! 

    Branching Minds helps you quickly and easily analyze screening data with the Cohort Assessment Report. Your MTSS teams can group students with similar needs and create intervention plans directly from this report! 

    Bare_CAPR (3)


    ❓What is Differentiated Core Instruction?

    Differentiated core instruction is foundational to MTSS. Within an MTSS, our goal is to ensure that 100% of our students are provided with Tier 1 quality core instruction, understanding that about 15-20% of our students will need additional support to master their benchmark. Core instruction consists of all curricular materials and strategies used routinely with all students in general education. 

    Core instruction should be designed and differentiated based on screener data to support your particular students’ needs; this means core instructional practices, strategies, and curriculum may vary from school to school and district to district. It’s crucial to have access to visual data that can help you identify needs and trends, saving time and resources, and ensuring that all students have equitable access to learning opportunities.
    Resource: Core Workout Worksheet

    ❓How frequently should progress be monitored?

    Progress monitoring should occur regularly—weekly or bi-weekly—depending on the student's needs. Short, skill-based assessments track student growth and inform when interventions need to be adjusted. These checkpoints ensure that interventions remain dynamic and responsive.

    🛠️Resource: The Ultimate MTSS Progress Monitoring Guide and Toolkit

    ❓What’s the difference between Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions?

    Tier 2 interventions provide small-group support for students with shared needs, while Tier 3 involves individualized, intensive interventions. Tier 3 interventions occur with greater frequency and often involve fewer students per group. The flowchart helps visualize when to move students from one tier to another based on their progress.

    A problem-solving team should individually review student response to strategic interventions to determine if increased frequency and duration would support the student best, knowing that intensive intervention takes time and consistency. 

    🖥️Resource: Video- Essential MTSS Terms Explained

    IMPORTANT: Tier 1 core instruction in the classroom should continue for all students, including those receiving intervention support. Both Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions are provided in addition to core instruction, not instead of!


    ❓Does MTSS lead to Special Education?

    No, MTSS and special education are distinct. MTSS is a proactive, prevention-based framework aimed at supporting all students, not just those with identified disabilities. The flowchart emphasizes that interventions should be implemented with the goal of helping students succeed in general education. Special education may be considered when students do not respond to interventions despite multiple, data-driven attempts. When a disability is suspected, MTSS intervention data can provide a rich source of information for evaluation and planning. 

    🎧Podcast Episode: Are SPED and MTSS the Same Thing?
    📕Article: Addressing Misconceptions and MTSS and SPED 


    BONUS: It’s Not Just About Core Instruction

    How to adjust Tier 1 instruction and simultaneously implement Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.

    When we talk about improving instruction, it’s easy to focus solely on strengthening core (Tier 1) teaching. After all, solid core instruction is critical—it’s where we hope to reach the vast majority of students. But here’s the thing: not all students are going to thrive from Tier 1 instruction alone, no matter how well-crafted or well-executed it is. And that’s where we can run into trouble. When the focus remains on core instruction, without providing access to Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions, it can leave both teachers and students feeling stuck.

    Access to Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions ensures that students who need extra support—whether in small groups or one-on-one—get what they need, when they need it. These interventions empower teachers to address specific learning gaps and make a real difference. Focusing only on core instruction sends the message that we’re trying to fit all students into the same mold, when we know that’s not the reality. By embracing a more layered approach with meaningful interventions, we can move from frustration to real progress. Let’s ensure we’re equipping teachers with the resources to meet every student where they are—not just those who thrive in Tier 1.

    You can adjust Tier 1 instruction and simultaneously implement Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions!

    Here’s how it works:

    First: Take Immediate Action on Universal Screening Data

    Universal screeners are a critical part of MTSS, helping teachers get a quick snapshot of how students are performing academically, behaviorally, and socially-emotionally. But rather than waiting weeks for a complete data analysis, teachers can immediately use this information to inform their instruction.

    While the grade-level or school team dives into the screener data, teachers can continue to strengthen core instruction. They’re using what they already know about their students to provide meaningful, tailored support. This way, instruction doesn’t pause while data is being analyzed.

    Second: Fast-Track Tier 2 and Tier 3 Support

    Once the screener data starts rolling in, the focus shifts to identifying students who need more than just core instruction. Teachers don’t have to wait for a lengthy review process before taking action.

    With the help of small-group specialists or interventionists, teachers can immediately begin Tier 2 strategic interventions for students who clearly need extra help. For those who show more intense needs, Tier 3 intensive interventions can also be set into motion right away. The beauty of this process is that the intervention happens as the team continues to refine their broader analysis—allowing for early, targeted support while data is still being assessed.

    Third: Progress Monitor and Make Adjustment

    As interventions kick in, progress monitoring becomes the heart of the process. Teachers and specialists are constantly gathering feedback, not just on how students are performing, but on how well the interventions are working.

    Progress Monitor Group Graph

    See student progress relative to others in their intervention group


    As additional screener data becomes available and is fully analyzed, teams can adjust interventions accordingly. If Tier 2 small-group work is proving effective, it continues. If Tier 3 intensive supports are helping a student catch up, great! If not, the intervention plan can be quickly reworked without losing momentum.

    💻 Resource: Debunking the Triangle Webinar

    Why Does This Matter? 

    Because Time is the Most Valuable Resource We Have

    Waiting until every data point is analyzed before acting is a recipe for frustration—especially for teachers who see their students needing help right now. In MTSS, there’s no reason to wait. By reviewing screener data while simultaneously implementing interventions, educators can:

    • · Maximize instructional time by addressing needs as soon as possible.
    • · Respond more effectively to students’ immediate needs, instead of delaying support.
    • · Ensure continuous progress with dynamic, data-driven decision-making.

    This flexible and responsive approach ensures that no student falls through the cracks while the numbers are being crunched. Instead, it creates a seamless flow between analyzing data and acting on it—empowering teachers to make the best decisions for their students, in real-time.

    Final Thoughts

    The MTSS Process Flowchart is more than a visual guide—it’s a powerful tool for enhancing decision-making, streamlining interventions, and improving outcomes for students. By following the structured approach laid out in the flowchart, teams can ensure that students receive the support they need at the right time.

    At Branching Minds, we remain committed to supporting educators in navigating the complexities of MTSS. With the updated flowchart, your school or district will be better equipped to make data-driven decisions that promote student success.


    About the Authors
    Britt Shurley, M.Ed.

    Brittany Shurley is the former Director of Professional Services at Branching Minds. Brittany has served students, educators, and leaders in various roles throughout her career including as a classroom teacher, learning disabilities specialist, school-based leader, and district level administrator. Brittany has extensive experience in facilitating the implementation of an MTSS at the district and school levels. 

    Deanne Rotfeld Levy, M.A.T.

    Deanne Rotfeld Levy is a University Supervisor at the National College of Education at National Louis University. Deanne previously served as Vice President of Customer Success for Discovery Education and was a Chicago Public Schools special education teacher and case manager. Deanne holds a Master of Arts in Teaching Special Education from National Louis University.



    MTSS Intervention Process Flowchart


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