Intervention Data Tracking Tool for supporting students collaboratively and effectively
Make RTI / MTSS easy, efficient and effective with our web platform.
We help teachers follow the best practices of problem-solving work efficiently, effectively, and collaboratively from the start, saving time and effort while improving outcomes for all students.
Less teacher time, better student outcomes.
Identify students in need of learning support in your school or district
Use assessment data to determine tiers for all students; review demographic distribution to ensure system health
Make sure every student is getting the support they need through team alerts
Get an overview of what is happening with each student
Collaborate on surveys to determine the root of each student’s challenges
Invite teaching staff to collect targeted classroom observations
Focus on academic, cognitive, social emotional and behavioral skills predictive of success
Distill observations into a learning profile of each student's strengths and challenges
Find the best evidence-based interventions for each learner
Differentiated and curated for all learners, our library contains over 2,000 evidence-based supports (with coverage for Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3)
Guided plan creation for intervention delivery
Record intervention meetings and share plan details with the student’s family using our easy templates
Streamline documentation and quickly understand student progress
Get automated to-do lists and reminders for your plan—just check boxes to log the work you're doing
Generate intervention reports from logged work and synced assessments, all in one place
Share progress updates with family communication letters customized with your school's letterhead