⚠️ EXTENDED - 2024 MTSS Summit Proposal Deadline ⚠️

Open through Monday, July 29. Submit yours today >>

    As educators are asked to change their current process or practice; they will need technical learning and cultural and mindset shifting—as some will have difficulty adapting a new program into their daily lives. These challenges are most successfully tackled through collaborative professional learning. We believe that providing a variety of support throughout the year aids in accelerating a successful change in practice that results in the desired student outcomes. The BRM Professional Services Team is able to provide customized coaching that can take various forms and is custom-designed to district needs. 

    Focusing first on the coaching and learning experiences, our team utilizes real-time data every step of the way. Utilizing your district, school, and classroom-specific data allows the learning to be relevant to the learner in every session. 

    Session Examples Include: 

    • Executive Level or District Administrator Coaching

    • Designing/revising MTSS infrastructure: building collaboration, communication plan, & handbook

    • Developing/revising school-level implementation plans

    • Coaching during support team meetings

    • Additional MTSS team sessions using “time of year” data to take next steps

    • Classroom or meeting observations and feedback

    • Ongoing coaching for principals and administrators to maximize BRM as the primary fidelity tool for student support 

    • Instructional/pedagogical sessions

    Branching Minds - MTSS Handbook-1

    MTSS Handbook

    Guided by best practice, our team will work with your district to collaboratively customize an MTSS Handbook and implementation action plan to communicate your district’s mission, vision, values, philosophies, processes, and culture.

    As Branching Minds assisted our district with the revamping of our MTSS process, one of the many positive changes included the implementation of SchoolLeadership Meetings. Our communication and conversations are focused, driven with hopes of understanding why students are struggling, and which interventions would best fit the needs of the student. As we continue to navigate through, the Branching Minds team is there every step of the way and we appreciate it!
    — Annette Harris, M.Ed, Data Analysis Coordinator, Painesville City Local Schools (OH)

    Additional Professional Learning Opportunities

    Branching Minds (BRM) offers a variety of professional learning opportunities for states, districts, and schools to ensure instructional leaders, specialists, coaches, and teachers are able to implement MTSS and the BRM platform with fidelity and maximize educators’ efforts to accelerate learning for all students.

    Learn more.

    Contact us to learn how Branching Minds can support your district's MTSS/RTI practice

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