How to Choose and Fund an MTSS Platform for Your District

    Thursday, February 13, 2025
    1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    1 PM ET/ 12 PM CT/ 10 AM PT

    Join us for a practical webinar that walks you through the process of selecting and funding an MTSS software platform. We will be led by a funding expert and a former district administrator who has been through this process. Bring your questions!

    << Access the Recording >>

    Learning Objectives: 

    • Learn how to evaluate platforms.
    • Create an RFP that aligns with your district’s goals.
    • Leverage sustainable funding sources like Title I, IDEA, and Title IV.

    Meet Your Presenters:


    Julie Miller-Johnson












    Trudy Bender - Headshot-1


    Julie Miller-Johnson
    Associate Director of Funding and Proposals at Branching Minds

    Julie Miller-Johnson is the Associate Director of Funding and Proposals for Branching Minds. She provides strategy and guidance around funding trends and resources for the company and its school partners. With more than 30 years of experience overall, 15 years in the grants and proposals space, and 7 years supporting K-12 education outcomes, Julie is deeply connected to the legislation and grants that fuel education spending. She has a Certificate in Education Finance from Georgetown University and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Julie is a passionate problem-solver and researcher; applying those loves to projects that ultimately help students thrive as learners makes it all worthwhile.

    Trudy Bender
    Sr. Manager of Thought Leadership Content

    Trudy Bender is the Sr. Manager of Thought Leadership Content at Branching Minds. She has extensive experience as a teacher, school psychologist, and district administrator. She previously served as the Coordinator of District Behavior Intervention for Waco ISD, where she led the district in reducing exclusionary discipline practices and disproportionality. She facilitated the implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Behavior, including initiatives to improve school climate and universal behavior supports, provide effective Tier 2 and Tier 3 behavior intervention programs, and coordinate wrap-around services and transitional support for students in alternative disciplinary settings. Trudy built a multi-year sequence of teacher training in classroom management, behavior intervention, and peer coaching to help build capacity and address teacher turnover. She is a Restorative Discipline Facilitator and has expertise in building district and campus systems that incorporate restorative practices. She is currently part of an effort to enhance school safety by providing PBIS and restorative practices training for educators throughout Texas. Trudy is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist.