Buy-In (in MTSS) is Like Sunscreen

    Wednesday, February 01, 2023
    1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    1 PM ET/ 12 PM CT/ 10 AM PT
    Mark your calendar with the correct time zone

    The secret to sunscreen is re-applying. And, just like the burn you get when you don't reapply, assuming that getting MTSS "buy in" is a one-time event will leave you burned, too. 

    Join us for this webinar as we think about the impact of a thoughtful MTSS "buy in campaign" - one that anticipates and plans for factors that impact our resiliency and sustainability in the various tasks and plans we think we are committed to.

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    Note: this webinar is part of our series, "The Power of Community in MTSS." Click here to learn more about and register for the webinar series.

    About the presenters:

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    Karen Castle

    Karen is the Executive Director of Professional Learning at Branching Minds, where she leads a team of education consultants to provide guidance and support to schools and districts, as they implement Branching Minds and improve their MTSS practice. Prior to Branching Minds, Karen spent 12 years building a national professional development program for Amplify Education, a leading company in the education technology space. Prior to her work in the edtech space, Karen served as curriculum director, principal, and teacher for several school districts in the North Texas area for 23 years. Karen holds an M.Ed. from the University of North Texas and a Superintendent’s Certification from the University of Texas at Arlington.

    Michele James-cropped round headshot


    Michele James

    Michele James is a Professional Services Manager at Branching Minds. She has worked in the field of education for over 25 years as a teacher, instructional coach, principal, and curriculum supervisor. Michele earned her BS in Finance from Lehigh University, her M.Ed. from East Stroudsburg University, and her principal certification from Edinboro University of PA. She most enjoys coaching students and adults in strategies and practices that help them achieve their goals. Mrs. James writes on a variety of education topics from her hometown in the Philadelphia area.