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    Tier 2

    At Tier 2, students identified as being at-risk academically or behaviorally through universal screeners are provided scientific, research-based interventions in addition to the core. Approximately 5-15% of students will need supplemental instruction at Tier 2 to become proficient. Tier 2 interventions are implemented with groups of students demonstrating common skill deficits or social/emotional/behavioral risk characteristics. These students can be observed on the Branching Minds platform, where a collaborative intervention plan is developed, monitored, and documented.

    MTSS pyramid

    What Does Tier 2 Support Involve?

    Tier 2 or targeted group interventions typically involve an additional 60-90 minutes of instruction (outside of core instruction) provided each week (e.g., two to three 30-minute intervention periods). Targeted group interventions must be:

    • More explicit
    • More intensive than core instruction
    • More supportive in the form of encouragement, feedback, and positive reinforcement
    • Carefully scaffolded

    Ideally, they would occur in groups of approximately 3 to 5 students, for elementary, and 6 to 8 students, or Tier 2 support classes broken into a few groups of 6 to 8 students, for middle and high schools.

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    Tagged: Tier 2

    October 28, 2019

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